Tag Archives: gas

International Project Profile of the PFA founded by Wil Divine

PFA’s staff has considerable experience working internationally. Funding for PFA during its inception was in fact generated primarily through international consulting services provided through our subsidiary corporation, Concessions International, Inc. PFA’s long-range international goals include the following:

Natural Gas for fertilizer project:

The purpose of this project is to expand the “green revolution” to many developing countries worldwide. A good example of this “green revolution” is in India, where a relatively small country is able to sustain a population of almost one billion people. However, this revolution has not expanded to many other hungry nations of the world. This is generally because the cost to implement these farming methods is beyond their reach of most indigenous farmers. The main key ingredient is fertilizer, which is cost-prohibitive because it usually must be imported from other countries. However many of these “hungry nations” have considerable undeveloped natural gas deposits, which is the main component in the production of fertilizer.

A good example where the “green revolution” desperately needs to take place is in sub-Sahara Africa, where population is growing rapidly while food production is decreasing. Future famines in Africa are a “given” unless something is done. In Africa the fertility of the land is rapidly declining because of the lack of fertilizers. This area of Africa also has large undeveloped natural gas deposits. Recently in Ethiopia, the introduction of fertilizers increased crop yields several-fold, allowing the country to become self-sustaining in food production. This is a quick turn-around from the scenes of the huge famine that existed in the country not long ago. With increased crop yields, farmers will be able to take much of their harvest to market. However, lack of year-around roads in developing countries is a severe impediment to this process. Just like natural gas, heavy oil and tar sands have generally not been developed by oil companies in developing countries due to lack of large commercial markets. PFA has identified a large number of these deposits, as well as a process of inexpensively processing heavy oil into liquid asphalt to build roads.


Natural Gas for fuel project-

Many oil fields worldwide have associated natural gas that is flared because it has no available market. PFA intends to make arrangements with the owners of this gas to market it locally. We view these gas resources as a possible source of low-cost fuel, and also as a way to generate electricity which can be made available to indigenous populations. This will result in a reduction of ongoing environmental degradation, especially deforestation. Currently PFA is also implementing programs to utilize gas for use as a household (heating and cooking) fuel and to create electricity in developing countries. Specifically our organization intends to provide bottled gas to the indigenous poor, especially where deforestation is occurring because of the current lack of alternative fuels. Gas will also be utilized to run small power plants that will create electricity to areas where no power is available. In many of these developing nations when power is generated it is imported oil that is often used as a fuel. This fuel source makes for very high cost electricity as well a cause of substantial air pollution. In most of the oil fields in developing countries huge volumes of associated natural gas are simply burned to the atmosphere while local people near these oilfields have virtually no supplies of either gas or electricity. Even in developed nations such as Russia almost all the associated natural gas is simply burned or vented to the atmosphere. In many offshore oil fields in developed nations the associated natural gas is “burned off”. It is well known that natural gas can be processed into methanol, which can be directly used as a clean-burning fuel in place of gasoline. This gas, which is underutilized in developing nations, could be converted to methanol and exported, helping solve the air pollution problems in developed nations. In addition recent advances in technologies has resulted in processes, which can directly convert natural gas into gasoline, diesel and other petroleum-based products.

Oil companies exploring for oil have discovered numerous natural gas deposits over the last 50 years. However, as no large commercial market for gas has existed in most developing nations, the finds were simply abandoned. PFA has identified over 2,500 undeveloped gas deposits worldwide, and proposes to develop these deposits to provide cost-effective fertilizers to local farmers. In addition PFA also intends to obtain natural gas that is generally burned off (“flared”) by oil companies because it is a by-product of oil-producing operations, and is perceived to have no large commercial value. (Most people would be surprised to learn that a very large portion of the world’s natural gas production is simply allowed to either be burned or sometimes vented to the atmosphere.) One other potential gas source is the huge methane gas supplies that exist in almost every nation worldwide in deep coal seams.

It should be noted that much of the above mentioned gas can be developed commercially. The primary reason that much of this gas remains underutilized is because it involves relatively small-scale enterprises. International oil companies need large projects to justify development. (With their extensive overhead they generally have no interest in small-scale projects, even if they could turn a profit.

International Project Forecast:

The implementation of our international projects will not be easy. Most small, third world countries are dominated by a small number of major oil companies. These companies are focused on exploration and development of very large fields. PFA intends to benefit these companies by assisting in the development of smaller gas and heavy oil discoveries that would otherwise remain underutilized. A percentage of the fuel from these fields will be used to supply power, local fuel, and fertilizer. Other projects will focus on developing heavy oil to make roads, heating  oil and other products.

William ‘Wil’ Divine speaking on his non-profit organization ‘Petroleum Foundation of America, Inc.’

We have William ‘Wil’ Divine, speaking on his non-profit organization he founded “Petroleum Foundation of America, Inc.”

To the lies being put on the internet about William Divine / Wil Divine

Not sure if this is of interest to you but here is a response to this stuff on the internet.

First of all I find it quite ridicules that I have to respond to all this nonsense on the internet but since people seem to believe whatever is posted there then here we go.

Why I changed my name:

Everyone thinks if you changed your name you did it because you are hiding from the law or something in my case I have never had more than a parking ticket. I changed my name because I entered into a monastery and all monks are required to change their name because they are leaving the “old self” behind and now a new person as a monk. I was also quite happy to change it because my old name reminded me of my father whom I did not respect so I was happy to not carry on his name. I went into the monastery because I was dealing with issues and I wanted to be a better person by practicing virtues. In this vein I gave away all my money, started two charities one called Petroleum Foundation of America and the other Renaissance Worldwide. As a monk we did service to the poor in creating soup kitchens, working in shelters, and retirement homes. We also build many homes for the poor and build many medical facilities and schools for the poor especially in India. In addition I also consulted for many oil companies around the world while in the monastery which provided income to employ many of the monks and nuns in the monastery as well as support the charities I was working on.

That I was investigated by the FBI:

This is just silly, the FBI came to my house one day and asked me some questions as to why I and my staff were making phone calls to various countries and why I was traveling to them. I simply told them I was in the oil business and I had to do these things for my business so once they understood this that was the end of it.

Law Suit by IHS:

As part of a service to our clients I posted on the Ciglobal website where the various oil companies could get access to oil and gas data. Actually I was doing a favor to these vendors by generating them business, however I did not have any of the myself I simply told them where to get it. However IHS saw that I was posting their data online and assumed that I was selling it which was not the case. They filed a law suit and I tried to tell them that this was all just a misunderstanding but they are a big company and I did not have the money to fight it so I just let it go to default because they were going to get a judgment to stop doing something I was not doing in the first place. I think they realized that all this was really just silly and embarrassing and they never did anything about the judgment nor did I do anything about it. In my entire life I have only been sued once and for such a silly matter and I have never sued anyone until recently had to sued these people trying to smear me with false postings on the internet.

That my company was doing some scam

This has got to be the most silly accusation of all, these people are posting that we took money to go to Iraq but never went there. They know this is false and we have mountains of proof that it is. We have piles of newspaper reports, TV and radio clips of me and my associates being all over Iraq risking our lives to make a success for these guys who are now posting all this false stuff on the internet. They did not properly support us so we went to look for more support and they decided they wanted out of the venture so we agreed to give them their money back but it was not quick enough for them so they decided to threaten an internet smear campaign unless we paid them more, and quicker. I was unable to do so, so they have posted all this nonsense.

Other claims-

As for the other claims on the internet, I am not going to address because it is just silly, these guys have invented fictitious people to say bad things about me but all of the I.P. addressed have been traced back to their computers.

The idea that you can extort or blackmail people by twisting the truth or simply by posting false information on the internet is a very sad affair and it can happen to anyone. If anyone has any questions about my past or present or anything about my life they are welcome to call me 310-531-7600. I am proud of my life, I have gone to great lengths to be a good, kind and caring person and not ashamed of anything. I am just sorry that people will stoop so low as to destroy another’s person reputation by committing fraud to get money, I can only pray for these people.

A law suit has been filed against these people because a great deal of damage has been caused by them for both my business and personal life and I have no choice but to stop it because again, you can write almost anything bad about someone and for some reason everyone believes it. If any of these things they say are true they have an opportunity to state it in a court of law but if they continue to act as they have they will commit a criminal offense in committing perjury.

I do not know if this was necessary but I thought I should clear the air.

Here are the guys behind all of this:

  • Mike Hepworth
  • Rick Brown
  • Basil Botha
  • Raul Sanabria
  • Alpha Resources Management, Inc.

They also have a company called Northern Iron Corp., Condor Precious Metals, Firesteel Resources Ltd., G4G Resources and Hepworth + Co.


William ‘Wil’ Divine

The truth about William ‘Wil’ Divine of Concessions International, Inc.

I am writing these because some people are using the internet to extort money out of me by smearing me on the internet with false posts about me unless I pay them off. These postings about me are wrong and they seem determined to do me as much injury as possible to me without knowing who I am. I am available to speak with anyone directly in informing them correct facts. It makes for a great story about the evil oil person who is trying to do bad things but I am afraid the opposite is true because no one to date had heard my story and been told the correct facts.

I have kept silent to date because quite frankly it is too painful and I have just ignored all of this nonsense. However their postings to make me a villain have hurt me deeply and have destroyed many of relationships with people I care about and love. For some reason some people believe if you write anything on a website that it therefore must be true. These people do not realize it that it is illegal to publish false information about someone so that it damages both their personal and business relationships. I have had not choice but to sue these people court and my council advises me that I will win considerable damages these individuals and there company for publishing false information about me. In addition people who have read these postings have personally gone to people who are friends of mine and business associates an telling them what a horrible person I am and none of the people doing these postings has ever met me. However you must know that I have never sued anyone before because I believe in creating positive things helping people and not pursing a fight with anyone but prefer to find a way to work together to create something positive and I have tried with these people but to no avail.

I cannot tell you how much hurt and pain these postings has caused me, almost everyone in business and personal life especially when they first met you does a Google search on you these postings come up and they concluded that I am some sort of horrible person. I can easily put on a website things about these people and all their friends and families will see it and disown them and then they will know what I have been going through. How much pain and sorrow must they bring to my life, why is it necessary to hurt someone whom you do not know and have some very false notion about?

I find it very ironic that I am disparaged on the internet when I have worked very hard all my life to practice virtue. As a monk in a monastery I also gave away all my money in starting a charity in the oil business to help poor people in third world countries with their energy needs as well as a fund to help woman in poor countries start businesses. I further helped build 25,000 homes and a state of the art hospital in India among other things. This and many things they do not know about me and I would welcome anyone to contact me via the phone, my number is 310-531-7600 and tell you about me.

Some of the people behind this smear campaign are Mike Hepworth, Rick Brown, Basil Botha, Raul Sanabria, they also call themselves Alpha Resources Management, Inc. They also have a company called Northern Iron Corp., Condor Precious Metals, Firesteel Resources Ltd., G4G Resources and Hepworth + Co.
These people have been aided by Ashley Schwellenbach and Colin Rigley of The New Times.

Why must people hurt other people when the world is so full of pain?

Concessions International

This video is Wil Divine, President & CEO of Concessions International, Inc. telling us how the company got it’s start.

William ‘Wil’ Divine formed concessions International, Inc. 25 years ago for the purpose of securing international upstream opportunities that are available on an exclusive non-competitive basis via the Private Equity Markets. He has 30 years of experience at all levels of the oil and gas industry. Wil Divine also has expertise in the divestiture of major oil and gas companies and owns and operates his own domestic and international properties. Working with government ministries and state oil companies he has compiled an extensive database of undeveloped oil & gas fields worldwide.